We are blessed to welcome the birth of our son Joren into the world as of 2-16 at 3:38 in the afternoon. After 12 hours of laboring in the hospital, my incredible wife delivered or 8 pound 8 ounce baby boy, Joren. I was able to capture, with the help of Sam, my future sister-in-law, the whole process. Praise God for an amazing delivery and healthy mom and baby. Special thanks to Mel & John for watching out children during our stay at the hospital and for all the prayers offered up on our behalf. Katie and I we blessed with amazing staff at Memorial Health Care Center. Also, thank you to all our friends and family who came to see us and spoil us with gifts and treats. Hope to share more with you in the future. Just discovered I can share video, so here are a few of the stills and video from Jorry’s birth.